Monday, November 12, 2007

Recording your progress

Diane W. sent me an excellent question about what posts goes with what Thing on the 30 Things list. It is a little confusing because I wanted you each to have the opportunity to read about the program and learn about web 2.0 as well as think about library 2.0 before creating your blog and worrying about recording your progress. So, please follow these guidelines below for the first 8 Things. You will be asked to create a blog post about all the Things that come after number 8. You will need to cut and paste the permalink for each blog post into the corresponding Thing on your row of the spread sheet. To recap, beginning with Thing 9, you will create a blog post for all the remaining Things. Please record your progress!

Thing 1 -Read about the program-If you complete Thing 3, you will automatically receive credit for Thing 1.
Thing 2-Do discovery exercises as directed -Once you get to Thing 7, Cut and past permalink for learning habits blog post into Thing 2 on the spread sheet.
Thing 3 -Fill out online registration form-You will receive credit once your registration is processed.
Thing 4-Complete as directed-If you complete Thing 5, you will automatically receive credit for Thing 4.
Thing 5-Do discovery exercises-Once you get to Thing 7, Cut and past permalink for web 2.0 or library 2.0 blog post into the Thing 5 space on the spread sheet.
Thing 6-Do discovery exercises as directed-If you complete Thing 7 and 8 you will automatically receive credit for Thing 6.
Thing 7-Do discovery exercises as directed.-If you add your permalinks for Thing 2 and 5, you will automatically receive credit for Thing 7.
Thing 8-Do discovery exercises as directed.-If you add your permalinks for Thing 2 and 5, you will automatically receive credit for Thing 7.

I can not wait to read all the great thoughts that you're going to be sharing this week!

Thanks, Cindy


Diane Wetterlin said...
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Diane Wetterlin said...

Thanks Cindy!!